Join a Trail Expedition
There is no better way to discover new trails and trail destinations, than to join an international team of trail professionals or enthusiasts on an international expedition convened by the World Trails Network.
These expeditions serve multiple purposes for networking, education and promotion of trails. Our approach is one that delivers valuable direct benefits to the trail and destinations we partner with. The World Trails Network is able to convene diverse and experienced teams to ensure the expeditions we offer are catalysts for further projects that raise awareness for trails and how they benefit society. Join us.
Why Trail Expeditions?
Our expeditions are foremost about having fun, getting out there and making connections, in addition they are designed to meet the following objectives:
Through high quality media production the event and through creative documentation post the expedition highlighting WTN’s work and showcasing the host destination & its related trails.
Through direct services offered to destinations, trails and organizations participating, as well as through funds raised from expedition teams.
By bringing trail professionals together from around the world, our expeditions create ideal opportunities for taking trail related skills to the next level, from marketing to trail construction and community development.
The primary focus of the WTN is to convene all professionals, experts and enthusiasts who have an influence on trails, by creating opportunities for the trail sector to expand and grow while unlocking potential and skills.

Armenia Trails Expedition – Armenia, 2019
The World Trails Network, in partnership with with HIKEArmenia and OneArmenia explored the trails of Armenia. This event was a unique opportunity to explore a remarkable new trails destination. Armenia has a wealth of new trails ready and waiting for the world to discover. The expedition was focused on unlocking Armenia’s rich trail narrative and sharing it with a global audience.
The expedition team included young influencers and storytellers from 14 different countries.
See our daily blog posts here as the team adventures through Armenia’s exciting new trails.
Follow the action on Facebook and Instagram: #hikearmenia #trailsexpedition #worldtrailsnetwork

Tottori Trails Expedition – Japan, 2017
Read all about the activities and outcomes of our first expedition which took place in Totorri, Japan with 16 Next generation Trail Visionaries.
The team produced an insightful documentary as part of the expedition. Click here to read the report.