Friendship Trails
International Friendship Trails are similar to twin towns, whereby trails in different countries team up in the name of partnership, mutual publicity and international cooperation.
Through the concept of the Friendship Trails, it is hoped this simple idea will spread across the globe, promoting international understanding and the culture of walking, whilst boosting tourism and local economies.
The world’s first Friendship Trail was established by the Jeju Olle Foundation in Korea. This visionary project has spread across the globe.
How to Establish a Friendship Trail:
1. If you wish to establish Friendship Trail with one of the World Trails Network member trails, please email us and we will gladly put you in contact with a trail in the region of your choice
2. Read through the guidelines document.

Implementation Process
1. Both trails should be members of World Trails Network.
2. Both trails apply in writing to create a Friendship Trail by applying here.
3. All relevant steps in the Friendship trail process need to be completed.
4. Signage and Branding completed and installed on each Friendship Trail.
5. Opening ceremonies of the Friendship Trails.