Clean Up the World – Clean Up Trails!
18 September 2021
The World Trails Network has joined up with Let’s Do It World, the organization behind the successful Word Cleanup Day, to encourage cleanups around the world and on trails.
This year the event takes place 18 September 2021. It is not too late to get a volunteer crew of trail enthusiasts together and host a cleanup on your local trail.
We invite you to share the word and motivate your trail supporters and club members to head out this Saturday and cleanup trails – join this global campaign taking place across the world. This international effort to help trails around the world. Join with a group or form your own.
- Schedule a cleanup on your local trail
- Partner or register with a friendly, local non-profit if possible
- Invite co-workers, friends, and family
- Talk about it on social media
- Post the attached event flyer
- Hold the event. Be a good volunteer, have fun, be social, and safe
- Tell the world what you did! Invite local Media before event and tell them about results afterwards
Here you can find out more about the movement and World Cleanup Day
Here you can view the simple toolkits.
Here you can see and use our marketing materials.
How to Organize a Trail Cleanup:
- Create a team
- Find the resources, like bags, gloves – better if you can bring from home and reuse the bags, to not produce more waste
- Transportation to the location or meet your team there, water, some snacks
- Be ready – timeline, motivation and instructions for safety
- Celebrate!
- Please share any photos on social media and use #letsdoitworld and #worldcleanupday and #trailscleanupday
- NB! Finally – Upload your cleanup data here – the more data we can gather the more impact we can have, it is about the numbers of volunteers and how much waste you collected.
Register your Trail Cleanup:
Let us know which trail you plan to cleanup on World Cleanup Day – insert details below: